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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2012 12:18am-12:48am EST

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the intentions of the nato backed government i did marry a freshman at reports. of doctors without borders known for going do their job in the most dangerous and notorious places around the globe but in n t c iran libya the group has encountered a formidable obstacle they couldn't overcome burns from electric shocks and cigarettes heavy bruising and renal failure all these evidence of the continued torture of prisoners say the doctors and now after two inmates died from the beatings the international group has stopped its mission in protest patients were brought to us in the middle of interrogation for medical care in order to make them fit for further interrogation this is an acceptable our rule is to provide medical care to war casualties and sick detainees not to repeatedly treat the same patients between torture sessions the news comes amidst rising anger with libya's interim government demonstrations in benghazi last week ended with the resignation of
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a high ranking member of the m.t.c. in the former gadhafi stronghold of bani walid locals pushed out their terms usual council forces claiming systematic abuse it started with the very beginning of the rebellion very beginning of the insurrection the second day of the rebellion. the february the african migrants were rounded up locked in a detention center and burnt to death and the n.p.c. expressed support for this time this is part of the strategy of the west you know divide and rule that was given the green light of the torture and execution that we're seeing now so this is a recipe for civil war meanwhile the nato operation that brought the entity to power is by itself raising question is. a high profile international team of human rights activists has been to leave to investigate some. of the two that it presenter tubes
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were with. the frogs and there were guiding the air raids and them and could have been eating them if you are mandated to protect the videos that thought you were mad that it is very very accurate in a way that i myself saw the killing of so many people in front of my my eyes i saw the killing of fifty one people in front of my eyes was fifteen years old and while all sides in the live in conflict are to blame for violence and violations the human rights activists claim not all of them have been held responsible for their wrongdoings investigating what happened during libya's seven months civil war and the nato campaign to protect civilians this fact finding mission discovered again crimes against humanity but the goal was not to judge but to shed light on what
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happened and not to repeat the mistakes in recent united nations report has revealed that up to eight thousand supporters have been held by militia groups in libya right now and with numerous occasions of torture and revenge killings throughout the country hopes of a new beginning for libya are fading quickly. r.t. . lawmakers in tehran are set to approve an immediate halt of oil sales to europe today in response to the latest set of sanctions from the e.u. the bloc adopted a full embargo on iranian crude due to come into force in july but iran has preempted the move something experts say will harm european nations most dependent on iranian reserves by imposing the sanctions that e.u. leaders are looking to bring in and to iran's disputed nuclear program meanwhile a group of by inspectors had a by the body's deputy director general have arrived into iran and you need to get stoled nuclear issue talks on the ground and they will be the highest level to go
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on the matter of war for years by activists from the campaign against sanctions and military intervention iran says it's in a west interest to deepen tensions the grace period that the vision for six months for does go to take place may actually not be that graceful so you run is taking matters into his own hands and the other issue is that it shows the complex feeling in the midst of politics and the power that doing in parliament holds and that is accountable to its people and it's not going to just sit back and watch us going to happen to the nationals. the wrong to issues really an excuse for deepening that confrontation between iran and the list i see as the same time. posing does involve those on the wrong if you see that some european countries are selling more arms to the countries to the arab countries those to persian gulf so they are benefiting from the iran the creating in the region so why solve the problem with
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negotiations was some countries are cashing in. well plenty more i have for you next hour here on our team coding rules before rescue. is the part where rules and regulations a logic we report of why a few dollars and the fear of legal action is forcing us emergency services to turn their backs on people when they need them most. all is fair when it comes to pre-election fever a political wrangling in russia has spread into the internet taking a viral dimension as political activists try cutting edge tactics to win the hearts and minds of the people are as a country has been looking at what's going on at the online battle front. but doesn't want is that you were right is that was that it was that there was a gray suits and ties and slogans called out from the poor d m r the traditional election season fair but they're no longer considered police in both. today's
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compay ning has gone online in a hot new trend in russia. with programming and bloggers making fun of the opposition portraying them in prayer outside the u.s. embassy on sundays claiming they are connected to the us state department and the opposition filming funny cartoons about politicians made out of lego. getting information out there is becoming easier all the time but the internet is a very different medium to television while on t.v. it's enough to just look into the camera like this to viewers attention not so although that to me you are police video reach millions of lives it's not a lot it just. it also has to be provoked to brazen and sometimes project
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a whole different image. it's no surprise then that putin as a character from harry potter became an overnight hit it's an industry doing this you will. see what i see you stuck with some could use the word it but going to a good though you'll make. sure that the word is which when you're critical of it would you. prefer got there but it was just beat them. but i don't confirm it's up to you about you apart from catching images memorable catch phrases are used against those in the corridors of power opposition blogger alex enough while me was the first upload his shop which is trying online a year ago he labeled the ruling united russia party of the. and scoundrels the insulting phrase it first appeared on the net but quickly migrated to almost every magical media in russia and beyond a year after the party won in the parliamentary elections and reworked the
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catchphrase felicity's of one vote for the party of thieves and scoundrels for ten years of economic growth with the party of these in scoundrels united russia. the mastermind behind that video and state duma deputy robert proved his party can also fight its wars online broke out superpowers the use of being able to my aim was to provoke to preen reality darker than that is often i don't agree with such statements in my videos but they do work but i see these putin and russia without putin would rise why not give away your country your beautiful girlfriend to some foreign guys what will happen to the caucasus nothing less just give it away to you responding or technical the videos made a very professional you can see that a highly paid specialist it appeals to primitive responses but works one hundred percent first thought is that there is indeed no future without put but videos from
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the opposition are just as blatant. and out of whole a trend of this election season eavesdropping on politicians and posting recordings online or those taking part in a massive opposition rally in december were surprised to find out that one of their inspirations boris himself described them in a phone as. hear from each future of government property or your property or to your comfort or. naive to expect from any side when we are living in election year there are no holds barred in this war not even interfering in someone's private life but. a lack of privacy for today's politicians is already a modern day reality and with feet of tim. million russians going on lunch today about forty percent of the adult population. is predicted to be sure to build with them online political avatars pushing the boundaries of a virtual world even without borders exceeding the gradual r t.
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one of the in the us for his mentor his whistle blowing activities wiki leaks founder julian assange is about to take center stage once again the man who made governments tremble now gets ready to question even more on his explosive talk show premiering riot gear on our team this march a songe will share his unique view on what the world of tomorrow will look like and key political players visionaries and power insiders will be among the guests of the wiki leaks founder the stay with arteta find out exactly who will be joining him. brings up today here on r t i'll be back with a recap of our main stories and stay with us.
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welcome back you're watching our t.v. these are the top stories the latest news of the week rather arab league on ice this year in fact finding mission is frozen after a violence escalates triggering pressure from the e.u. and top dogs as the u.n. security council. and revolutionary aftershocks deadly clashes entropy buildups and libya while in egypt. hundreds of thousands think first protest against their ruling military john to. us please take blogs off approach
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against which asteroids in oakland firing tear gas and flash grenades and demonstrators. this week also saw online anger spilling onto the streets as internet users in poland fought against the new international and that piracy remains seen as censorship human rights abuse. during a parliament is set to vote on an immediate cut off of oil supplies to the e.u. in a preemptive strike against the blocks bar go on to ron and summer something many fear will backfire on europe's frail economy. next modern david and goliath battle as we report on how every cultural giants are trying to eliminate all fashion farmers.
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ball control dangerous knowledge and control like no one should have that great input patterns on nature at night as long as my wife and i have way more then us we will always fall down and fight for the rights of farmers always abused her seat from year to year no one should take that right away from anyone. this is why the judge ruled number one if you are contaminated i gave us your
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wishes by might satisfy most you'll no longer own your seeds or plants faith become the ownership of a corporation in this case points out. he also ruled we were not allowed. to use or seeds or plant again. he also ruled that all of our profit from our nine hundred ninety eight the north crop goes to my temple. in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven as a result of a simple discovery life changed dramatically for the seventy year old farmer a power line runs along the edge of percy schmeiser is probably as usual the power company had the surrounding vegetation controlled by applying the herbicide round up but in spite of this powerful chemical volunteer canola plants continue to
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thrive among the wheat this can all it was sprayed with four times their normal rate that you would spray. round up and yet it has not died so it's a very powerful. resistant canola to round up so it's definitely monsanto's seed that is here we've created our real big frankenstein. the pesticide roundup produced by the multinational concern monsanto is the most widely sold spray in the world monsanto made its canola resistant to round up this means round up kills every plant without exception only monsanto's genetically modified canola remains alive. it was introduced without really much testing being done and i think even at that time when it was introduced in the middle of the ninety's that even the governments were taken in by what these corporations told
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what it would do like increase heels and less chemicals and more nutritious and i think the government even believed the corporation. in ninety ninety six the chemical giant monsanto introduced its brand of canola into canada a brand. system to the pesticide round in smiles as region three farmers agreed to plant monsanto's new g.m.o. canola. due to a heavy storm during the harvest freshly cut g.m.o. canola drifted into percy schmeiser is fields his work of fifty years of breeding was destroyed because it's harvest was contaminated by monsanto seed. but on top of that monsanto turned him the victim into a culprit august nine hundred ninety eight schmeiser was sued by months on joe for having illegally planted the corporations paid into g.m.o. canola. he was to be forced by a court decision to pay damages in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars and
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all this for a canola seed he did not want in the first place. under the patent law is said to violate a patent you have to use the patent in my case and never used monsanto's patent i never sprayed their chemical round up on my fields so i never used their patent. but percy schmeiser would not let himself be intimidated he filed a counter suit against a chemical called brazen on grounds of environmental pollution see destruction and slander. from that time on months out o. how the small wheat farmer spied on and pursued like a criminal. in summer ninety nine hundred nine the situation became even more menacing for days detectives with cars were in front of smiles as driveway following him on to the fields and observing his every footstep.
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and we found out afterwards by taking license numbers that they were people hired by monsanto and also monsanto representatives himself they didn't even stop by the field they would even drive into our yard here and i don't know if it was just. a myth. have intimidation or whatever but these are things that happened. and they did everything to bring us down financially elementary and that's what they're doing is to be mentally and financially break people. the are totally ruthless they have no ethics they have no morals it's bottom line. i had a trust fund to help pay for some of my legal bills and some time ago i get
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a phone call from the manager of the bank saying they were going to close out that account and they wouldn't give me no explanation so i went to see the bank manager which was a lady and i asked her why do you want to close out this account you have to give me a reason even under the bank act you can't just close somebodies account out and she wouldn't tell me what the reason words and finally i said to her is that because of monsanto and she said yes. and i said why and she said monsanto went to the head office and said to the head office of the canadian imperial bank of commerce if you don't count percy schmeiser is he who trusts find out we will cancel all of our phones with the canadian imperial bank of commerce across canada. in two thousand and one smiles or was ordered in his months on to a trial to be about four hundred thousand dollars in damages and costs the court to
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take it for granted that smites us canola fields contained ninety five to ninety eight percent of months santo's g.m.o. canola the judgement is a scandal of twenty eight test results only for back such a figure the rest varies between sixty nine and zero percent with contradictions and different evaluations most samples were procured behind my suspect not one of them was taken in his presence the decisive expert witnesses in court were either months on to employees or paid by months on to the judgment left people stunned worldwide today even canada's government admits that g.m.o. canola is everywhere. and what the trial judge ruled their first trial judge rule is what made the case become internationally known overnight what can happen with farmers when you introduce g.m.o. and the judge ruled this number one it does not matter how a farmer is contaminated and he went on to say cross pollination we're calling
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clone then to win by birds or by direct sea blown and away in by or farmers transportation if your contaminated against your wishes you will no longer own your seeds or plants have become the ownership of monsanto under patent law we had about five hundred and fifty hectors stated to rapeseed in one thousand nine hundred eight he was. ruled because of the contamination all the profit from our crop in one thousand nine hundred eight goes to monsanto another important issue he mentioned he said it does not matter how much of a problem what is contaminated if it's half percent one percent two percent it does not matter you no longer own your seeds or plants. after this decision percy schmeiser and his wife were very demoralized just like
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many farmers who had been following the case percy decided to appeal the ruling and took the case to the higher court but after two more years of legal battles the no three hundred thousand canadian dollars of legal expenses the judges again ruled if you were contaminated with months sometimes genes you no longer own your seeds and plants then we only had one avenue left and that was the supreme court of canada first of all we said to the supreme court that a farmer always should have the right to use his seeds from year to year if on his own farm and the most had partnership to my wife and myself by that time was that no one nor corporation no individual should ever have the right to put a patent on higher life forms like a seed or plant. when i use the term higher life form i mean any
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lifeform whether it's a bird be an animal face or even a human being. if you have a patent on that gene that's in that poland and it gets in your field you don't longer own your seeds or plants so you could have one plant g.m.o. and all these could be regular organic but true patent law they can claim all of your plants. because you don't know which one is g.m.o. which is not.
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in one thousand nine hundred six when it was introduced farmers were told three main things had to be a bigger yield or it would be more nutritious and less chemicals and within three and four years we found out that the total opposite happened we're now using more chemicals in ever before and more powerful and more toxic chemicals because it has become a super wheat the other issue is that the quality is much poorer and and so now we have and then also poor yields and to give you an example of that he even the united state department of agriculture just a short time ago indicated that they yield on soybeans was down about fifteen percent with the introduction of g.m. most. monsanto's technology contract virtually turns the former into an accomplice of the agro chemical industry he has to buy new seeds every year with the
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technology surcharge and only then is he allowed to cultivate the seat the natural right of every farmer to replant his harvest seeds is waived by contract. i have a contract here for monsanto and i'll just give us some of the clauses in that contract. a farmer must always buy his seeds from monsanto. he must only buy the chemicals from monsanto he can never use is seeds he must pay monsanto about forty dollars license fee on each hector he owns each year he must permit monsanto's police force to come on his way and for three years after the contract even though he may only grow jammu one year and month sounders police could go in your grain race they can go in your fields they can get your tax records your programming records with or without your permission and if
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a farmer commit some violation of the contract monsanto can take all its profit or monsanto can make him destroy his crop and the parmer is not allowed to say anything to anybody about it. no the multinationals with these contracts are exercising more power than any government would ever dare to do months saddle india or two thousand and three contracts have another cause added which states that a farmer can no longer sue months or take months out go to court or lay a lawsuit against monsanto no matter for what reason it could be whether it's poor see poor crops they'd no longer consume us out of monsanto takes their rights away have a farm even taken months and are to court so all their freedom of speech or expression is taken away total domination and controlled by a multinational over a farmer because like stamping their primary into into the ground he has no longer
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any rights with and that's basically what the judge ruled in my case against montana's case against me that monsanto's patent law is over in a bow farmers rights. and we hope that the supreme court will change that and give the rights back to the partners where they belong not to multinational corporations . in all of north america there are hundreds of farmers under the same threat as percy schmeiser only a few of them have had the courage to come foolish to talk about. david runyan from indiana is one of the few that is standing up to months on zero but even he took half a year before going public with his story on sandoz investigators arrived on my farm it was price of
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a thirty at night pm they. did not identify themselves i really did not know who they were until about three days later. i was informed from a local feed mill where i have my seat cleaned every year after twenty years and they inform me that that's who they were that they were investigators for monsanto and investigating me for patent infringement. and all they really wanted to know all the investigators was what kind of. grow kind of wheat do i grow and what kind of corn do i grow and the herbicides i use and also whom do i sell my products to they wanted name and phone numbers and at that point i refused to cooperate and i ended the conversation. so anyone they investigate they will definitely find will have.


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